Nourin 03

One of these day’s we’ll have a Kinoshita release pic. I just know it.

In a joint with Chihiro released under the tag [ChihiroDesuYo]. Visit Chihiro HERE.

Note from the staff: There are many references, puns, and Internet memes used in this show, so do not be surprised to see them. Many of these are simply untranslatable or are only relevant to Japanese viewers. We’ll do our best to make these understandable but in some cases, such as memes, this may result in close English equivalents being used.

For example, you might have noticed the OMGWTFBBQ in our script, the actual Japanese Internet meme used is: くぁwせdrftgyふじこlp.

If you notice anything we might have missed, we can incorporate them into the batch so let us know in the comments.

720p: torrent | DDL Usenet